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Chris took the girls on a scavenger hunt Sunday morning as I tidied up around the camper. They were gone for about a half hour and returned with treasures in hand. Each girl couldn’t wait to show me the beautiful things that they had discovered on their walk. Their natural tokens came in various shapes and sizes, such as acorns or walnuts. Different hues sprawled across the picnic table, flowers of pinks, yellows, whites and purples. Of course there were rocks, my kids always come home with rocks. Pine cones and grass clippings were some of their prized possessions. They were all talking over one another, eager to share their version of the scavenger hunt. It reminded me of the scripture where Jesus talks about the flowers of the field, how beautiful they are and how they don’t worry or fret. 

Matthew 6:28-30 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you– you of little faith?

As we drove up to the cities for a family reunion, the kids were still talking about their treasures. 

Chris asked Nora, “Hey Nora, what did your sisters do on the walk?”

She replied, “They ran up ahead because they are faster than me.”

“Did you find any treasures that they passed by because they were going fast?” he inquired.

“Oh yes!” She exclaimed, and then she proceeded to recount all the treasures she located that they had missed. 

“So it is with life girls. You can hurry up and get to the next place but you will often pass up beautiful things. It’s important to take your time, enjoy the moment and as you move down the path you can take in all of the great things you would have otherwise missed had you been in a hurry.” he explained.

It was one of those moments that I just sat and listened. I didn’t need to add anything to the lesson. The wisdom flowing from my husband’s mouth left me in awe and inspired. I think I may have taken more away from experience than they did and I didn’t even go on the nature walk.